Hungary has done undoable . We've built more Highways than there is space for. It used to be simple, we had the M7 to take us down to Balaton, and the M1 to take us to the civilized world, the west. Now We have M5, M70, M9, M3, M0, M40, M4, M My God.., M WTF, and M We really don't know where we are going. We've even accomplished building this useless bridge for about 20 times as much as it would have cost to just move the highway 1 mile to the east.
So now that we have all these highways, what do we do? We hire new police to enforce the law. There are police now enforcing that no one is going too SLOW on the highway according to Infact special cameras are set up to detect slow moving vehicles. Now I don't know if anyone here has driven in Europe, but slow is the least of our worries.
Oh and we adopted the 0 tolerance rule with the "Drink or Drive" posters. Apparently people who have a beer are the devil. I also don't see why the driver is smiling. He can't drink, and he has to worry not only about going too fast but going too slow on an over expensive highway his tax money paid for probably with kids yelling in the back. Yes I know that is a run on sentence, but Hungarians like to ramble on and on, so my sentences will do the same.