Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Uj Magyarorszag

The Government started a propaganda brainwashing program earlier last year. These ads are there to tell us that we are living a better life than we really think we are. The main ad starts out by saying "There is country, in which there is a town" It shows a town with clean colorful buildings, while in reality towns today are full of graffiti, dog shit, and homeless people on the sidewalks. "In this town there is an apartment" showing a nice upgraded apartment; however reality again is more dissapointing--most apartments are falling apart. "In that apartment there's a little girl" Then it zooms in on a little kid playing with a puzzle. What is this? Fairy land? kids dont play with puzzles anymore, they are stuck to the computer killing other kids cyber figure on different computers. "and in that girl the whole country is hidden"... Then it goes on showing people saying the country is inside of them. Well I dont know if this is something I would spend millions on; Hungary is beautiful, but people need to see that themselves and not on TV.

If you would like to look at these ads


Jessie said...

Wow... That's pretty remarkable. They're like tourist ads for the locals: "Look around, you live in a fantastic place and your life is brilliant! Stop whining!"

Bit alarming if you ask me... but then again, I'm quite prone to conspiracy theories. Does Hungary really exist?! Have you been making all of this up?! You're probably from Slovakia!!!

Demonhunter2121 said...

"October 2, 2008 1:03 PM" no 5th period? (I'm not a robot, but I can't fucking ready those pictures)

Anonymous said...

There's a long history of romanticizing Hungarian village life (Jókai, Kosztolányi); the Government is just following tradition.