The socialist party handed in a budget composed mostly of ideals that the liberals have campaigned for and supported. The Socialists have 48% of the parliament, and thus were counting on the liberals to allow them to pass this budget by sucking up to them. The liberals, however, do not support this budget idea that was practically copy pasted from their "ideal budget" part of their website. It goes completely against their beliefs-- but of course this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the prime minister has a 35% approval rating and that the liberal party historically have bee
The first of the new metros for the 2nd and 4th metro lines have been built. Though it could have been a lot worse, in many ways they are the definition of shitty design. There are a lack of handles on coming down from the top (there are a few but not nearly enough--and the ones that do exist are designed for tall people and not for people such as RC (even the girl in the picture had to wear high heels), there are fewer seats than in the old ones, and less standing area, yet the train is longer. Geometrically I do not know how this is possible, but it is supposedly true. Picking the wonderful color of white, the metro is practically begging for graffiti, not to mention I don't quiet understand why they would need windshield wipers when the 4th line is going to be completely underground..
And lastly, in Budapest news, the northern part of the M0 bridge opened up today. This was supposed to be called the Stephen colbert bridge but it is now just called Megyeri Bridge. Still Only the budapestians are stupid enough to waste money on celebrating with fireworks and lasers of the opening of the 9th bridge across the Danube in the city? you'd think they'd get tired after the 5th or 6th, but no way, they are very much into it; especially since this bridge is bigger and more expensive than all the others!
I rather liked the bridge opening, it was quite pretty. I'm sure they're just looking for any reason to party.
Having handles that we can't reach is a big plus though because we have a reason to make people give up their seats for us!
Also, your little tag line thingy should be something alone the lines of nom nom.
C'mon--- everyone loves a good bridge!
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