Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Want to go barefoot for a day? Brrr.

Though a "go barefoot through school" movement had just started in North Carolina it probably won't be able to spread to Hungary. If it does, I think every one is going to get a cold. The High in Sopron yesterday was a steaming 47 degrees, while even the capital, Budapest, could hardly break that 50 degree Fahrenheit mark. Oh and the low? 37 degrees. Those Hungarians really wish that I meant Celsius; they really are not used to winter starting in mid September. In response Mr.Gyurcsany decided he will tax those mean and nasty energy companies, and use the money that comes in to help the poor pay for heating.


Coyte said...

Thanks for the nod ;)

Coyte said...

I would also like to make a weather related comment... that website you told me was better for weather information than Only recently have I found out that it is actually a 1960's, 70's Leftist TERRORIST group! Commies... I swear! What is it with you people :P